What better day to start this community than world kindness day? I hope this will be a place to gather and grow; sharing experiences and tips to inspire living with kindness towards yourself, the planet, and others <3
Kindness towards yourself
“Be kinder to yourself. And then let your kindness flood the world.”
– Pema Chodron
5 kind thoughts to lift yourself up with
- I can do this. I am braver than I think, and my confidence grows with every step I take outside of my comfort zone.
- I am smart, confident, and capable. There is no such thing as problems, only opportunities. I can overcome any challenges that come my way, even if it takes a few tries.
- I believe and trust in myself. I am flexible and can adapt because I know things will work out for the best.
- I am worthy of love, and I appreciate what I have in the moment.
- I am perfect just the way I am, and I choose happiness.
Kindness towards the planet
3 easy ways to be kinder to the planet
1. Go easy on the waste
Take a mental note of how much waste you create in one day and see if there are any ways you could reduce that for tomorrow!
2. Walk more
We all know burning fossil fuels isn’t good for our environment, walking is a great way to slow down, get to know your neighbourhood, and as a bonus it’s super healthy for you too!
3. Eat more plants
Raising meat can be very taxing on our planet’s resources. Give it a break and fill your plate with veggies, and your body with healthy vitamins and nutrients too 🙂
Kindness towards others
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”
– Aesop
5 simple acts of kindness to brighten the world with
- Thank someone for something you take for granted.
- Contact a friend you haven’t spoken to for a while.
- Do a chore for someone in your household.
- Make a donation to a local charity or shelter.
- Acknowledge a stranger with a smile.
Hope these tips gave you some inspiration to spread kindness today 🙂 If you enjoyed, please share with a friend to grow the community! You can also join us on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter for more kind thoughts <3
xoxo Mariam
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